Volcanoes are, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “…a
vent in the crust of the earth or another planet or a moon from which usually
molten or hot rock and steam issue”. The hazard level for Lebanon in regards to
volcanoes and volcanic activity is “very low”. This information derived from www.ThinkHazard.org defines very low when "...no eruption has been reported in the area". In contrast to Lebanon's very low volcanic impact, turkey on the other has has a list of volcanic mountains (Listed by regions below). (https://volcanicmountainsinturkey.wordpress.com/)
Marmara Region: Uludağ
Southeastern Anatolia Region: Karacadağ
The Black Sea Region: Köroğlu Mountains
Mediterranean Region: Hassa Region (Hatay)
Aegean Region: Kula Dunes (the youngest)
Eastern Anatolia Region: Ağrı, Tendürek, Nemrut, Süphan Mountain
The Central Anatolia Region: Erciyes, Melendiz, Hasandağ.
Southeastern Anatolia Region: Karacadağ
The Black Sea Region: Köroğlu Mountains
Mediterranean Region: Hassa Region (Hatay)
Aegean Region: Kula Dunes (the youngest)
Eastern Anatolia Region: Ağrı, Tendürek, Nemrut, Süphan Mountain
The Central Anatolia Region: Erciyes, Melendiz, Hasandağ.

One of the things that I most found fascinating about this country when conducting my research was HOW MANY volcanoes it has. It shocked me to find that only one was active. I was surprised by all the articles and information found on this country regarding the volcanoes.