In order to help the coast, many turn to a process named "beach nurishment". This is "a process that pumps sand from dredging ships offshore to replace the lost sand on the beach" (Paragraph 4). beach nourishment is not a one time deal so in order to maintain this, you must have the money to maintain it's upkeep as well.
In terms of erosion and global warming near the coast, it is important to know that not only is the architecture to be affected with erosion but the sea levels are bound to rise as well. The sea levels will rise with the melting of ice glaciers and although everyone will be affected by this, those living near the coast will experience the results sooner. "Sea level has risen about eight inches since 1900 as climate change has melted land ice and warmed the ocean, but the rate is projected to increase as temperatures rise" (Paragraph 8).

There are small steps that can be done by everyone to minimize global warming such as not using aerosol cans, driving less and using less natural resources. However, it is not a one person choice and definitely not the impact of one country on their own. The country of Lebanon is doing their part as well by recycling and commuting by walking in hope that one day, we can all take preventative measures as well.